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Myth in Progress

Upgrading the Fallen Goddess Scenario

This essay presents material relating closely to Nav Briefing #58, FGS 3.0 (April 21, 2013).

For students of PT and the crew of the GNE, this essay represents the written form of Crew Notes #23, Upgrading the Fallen Goddess Scenario.

In the following linear sequence, I indicate upgrades of the Sophianic narrative of the Mysteries, topic by topic and theme by theme. As explained in NB #58, FGS 1.0 is the restored version of the sacred narrative drawn from received materials, Greek and Coptic sources, polemics of the Church Fathers, Hermetic literature, and supporting elements in comparative mythology. No factor of the story is novel (that is, added from outside the original sources) or amplified in FGS 1.0, apart from the localization of the Anthropic plasm in M 42, the Orion Nebula. This inclusion is fully covered in the briefing.

Archontic simulation of travel to M 42. Note: at the beginning of this clip you are looking down the third arm of the Milky Way. where you see the constellation of Orion hanging off the limb. That is the direction in which the galactic arms unwind and dissipate, opposite the direction of movement "upsteam" of the solar system. The Pleiades (Pleromic Relay spindle) is located across the limb, on the other side or outer edge. The principal star formation within the Orion Nebula is the trapezium, not noted specifically in this clip.

Danny Wilten - seeing animations rather than the using power of animation, and other problems. Do his quasi-hallucinations discredit interest in M 42 as related to the Sophianic mythos? If so, is this intentional disinfo? I suspect so. Seeing "body parts" in the sky is NOT the way to view M 42!!! Notice how the talk, which I find extremely irritating, does not respond to the title, it does not reveal "the templates to life on earth," unless you consider that the template will resemble floating eyes, body parts, animals, vertebrae.

FGS 2.0 presents new elements added to the narrative in the course of the GNE, ongoing from July 2011.

FGS 3.0 presents elements added to the narrative from the spring of 2012 to the current moment, including the paramount event of Pleromic Relay. The disclosure of the material archetype produced by human imagination, Mephisto, marks a transitional phase-over from FGS 3.0 into 4.0. The GNE is currently progressing into that transition.

FGS 4.0 is the version of the narrative due to develop by spring 2014, corresponding to the completion of the initial conditions of correction, including the decisive event: Sophia's attainment of her tulpa, the Kali-Kalki avatar.

Participation Mystique

The Fallen Goddess Scenario is a myth in progress. On that account, it is unique in the inventory of world mythology, incomparable to any other scenario. Not only is the story-arc, comprising cosmogenesis (world creation) and anthropogenesis (human creation), more complete and coherent than any other myth, The FGS carries a future option to be realized through human involvement. Participation mystique -- the term proposed by French anthropologist Lucien Levi-Bruhl, not to be confused with Levi-Strauss -- is the norm for imaginative enactment of narrative in the human species. The story arc of the FGS directs human imagination in a way no other plot can do. As I said, it routes NLP to source, this living earth, right before your eyes. Other creation myths refer the human mind to off-planet dieties.

The telestai of the Mysteries who developed the FGS and transmitted it faithfully through many generations did not traffic in prophecy. To the telestai, the event of correction was not a sure thing preordained to happen at some time in the future, viewed from their time and setting. Those initiated seers anticipated correction as a supernatural event in the life-cycle of the Aeon Sophia, they did not predict it as divinely orchestrated in advance. With the restoration of the sacred narrative, we are now able to realize what they saw, and something more as well: how the Aeon Sophia, materially immanent in this planet, requires a measure of human participation (mystique) to achieve her correction -- specifically, to deploy her tulpa, the Kalki-Kali avatar.

Revisionist Cosmology

Unlike prophecy, to which the human animal is a passive witness submitting to the superior will of the diety, participation in Sophia's Correction is an act of imagination achieved through the very powers of imagination described in her story, and guided by that story. It cannot be achieved otherwise. The power of human imagination is equivalent to a fire hose in the hands of a four-year-old child. To handle this force, the human animal needs the support and guidence of supernatural powers based in the source of that force, i.e., Sophia and her infernal goddess powers. The support of the earth, accessed by the instrumentation of the Shakti Cluster, is like a turret or mounting device that holds the fire hose so that one person can manage it.

Let's note once again how the central riddle of correction generates a series of questions that prompt human imagination. With each prompt leading to new insight and improved recall of our remote past on this planet, we achieve another degree of participation with the Wisdom Goddess. For instance, the riddle generates this question:

In her Pleromic (pre-plunge) Dreaming of the experiment with Anthropos-10, when Sophia previewed her intervention, did she conceive it to be independent of human participation or reliant upon it? In other words, do the anomalous conditions of the experiment after her plunge change the dynamics of her intervention, involving human collaboration in a way that would not otherwise have applied, and if so, how so?

Well, the myth itself already answers this question in one respect. In Episode 6, FGS 1.0 follows the surviving textual sources (in particular, On the Origin of the World), relating how the Aeon Sophia, acting outside the Pleroma, modified the original calibration of the Anthropos by infusing it with the luminous epinoia for the specific purpose of providing a faculty to be used to defeat the Archons:

When the Pistis saw the impiety of the chief ruler she was filled with anger. She was invisible. She said, "you are mistaken, Samael," that is "blind god." "there is an immortal man of light who has been in existence before you and who will appear among your modelled forms; he will trample you to scorn just as potter's clay is pounded. And you will descent to your mother, the abyss, along with those who belong to you. For at the consummation of your works the entire defect that has become visible out of the truth will be abolished, and it will cease to be and will be like what has never been. Saying this, Pistis revealed the likeness of her greatness in the waters. And so doing she withdrew up to her light.
-- On the Origin of the World, passage 103 NHLE, ed. Robinson.

Two other, closely related passages contain rare references to the concept of correction, diorthosis, without using that exact noun:

And she [Sophia] was taken up not into the Pleroma, but above the Demiurge, that she might be in the Ninth until she corrected her defect” - Apocryphon of John, 14.10

And the luminous epinoia [the power of imagination] was hidden in Adam [the human genome], in order that the Archons [mind parasites] might not reach that power, but that the epinoia might assist the correction [might be a correction] of the deprivation [defect] of Sophia [i.e., her separation from the Pleroma].
- The Apocryphon of John, 20.25

You find the occurence of the full noun in A Valentinian Exposition, NHC XI, 2 : 33, 26-31:

[Since it is] a perfect form [that should] ascent into [the Pleroma] he did not [at all] want [to] consent to the suffering [but he was] detained [...] him by Limit, that is, by the syzygy, since her correction will not occur through anyone except her Son, whose alone is fullness of divinity. (NHLE p. 485)

We can place these events in Episode 6, by far the most complex of the total nine.

On the Origin of the World (passage 102) also describes a monumental cosmic event in the pre-terrestrial phase:

And they [the realms of celestial mechanics, habitat and containment for the Archons] were completed from this heaven up to as far as the sixth heaven, namely that of Sophia. The heaven and his earth [that of the Archon overlord, the Demiurge] were destroyed by the troublemaker who is below them all [that is, the Demiurge itself!].

Hence, the first Archontic cosmos (stereoma) collapsed due to structural failure... I would place this event in Episode 5. Then in Episode 6, the Aeon Sophia, now supported by the assistance of the mother star Sabaoth, took measures for another Archontic cosmos to arise including a planet that would stabilize the structural and dynamic properties of the entire system: "Since that day, the heaven [of the Archons], along with its earth [the planet to be supplied by Sophia] has consolidated itself through Sophia, the daughter of Yaldabaoth, she who is below [at the source of] them all" (Ibid, passage 103).

Elsewhere, Sophia is called the "mother" of Yaldabaoth and the Archons. She cannot be both their mother and daughter, and most certainly is not the latter. So I would make that line out to be a scribal error, such as anyone could easily make in rapid, stressed transcription of oral discourse. Confusion of references to son and daughter run through the Coptic materials.

Detail: At first Sophia is in the Sixth, Mystery jargon for the first hexagonally structured Archontic cosmos centered on saturn (see below). Note today the mysterious occurence of a massive hexagonal structure on saturn, the remarkable northern hexagon. Later, following the construction of the second Archontic cosmos, she is in the Ninth, code term for the earth-realm, the terrestrial realm.

The nine heavens in a revised framework adapted for evolving the FGS:

9: earth, planetary body of the Aeon Sophia, the domain of correction

8: the realm of the Zodiac, fixed stars, constellations (Ogdoad)

7: the realm of the sun, mother star, Sabaoth: "The mother star Sabaoth sung praises to Sophia and her daughter, Zoe, and they together caught her up to the heights and gave her charge of the Seventh heaven." (The Hypostasis of the Archons, NHLE p 168).

6: realm of saturn, hexagonal, also the sexigisemal or six-base measure of time used in mundane astronomy, clocks and calendrics. Including the earth within this structure, it becomes the hebdomad, Saturn defines boundary of Archontic solar system, associated with the Archon overlord, Yaldabaoth, Yahweh/Jehovah

5: the realm of jupiter

4: the realm of mars

3: the lunar realm

2: the realm of venus

1: the realm of mercury

Now, somewhere between Episodes 5 and 6, the FGS relates the collapse of the first Archontic heaven and the provision for a second one. These provisions are met in Episode 6 with the support of Sabaoth, the mother star, providing a dwellpoint and other dynamic features essential to a stable planetary system. FGS 3.0 adds some detail here, describing how the first Archontic stereoma (virtual world constructed of real material in the dema) had what was to become saturn at the center, hence, a saturn-centered cosmos. Encircling it and defining the boundaries of the system would have been the massive ring of Sophia's Organic Light: Tiamat-Uroboros.

When that structure collapsed, Sophia and Sabaoth supplied the foundation for a second Archontic cosmos with two centers, the sun and the emergent earth -- hence two dwellpoints, seen now in the elliptical form of planetary orbits. In the second cosmos, which developed into the solar system as known today, saturn formed the bounding orbit, not the center.

(It may be worthwhile to note, in passing, that plasma cosmologists appear to be dreaming atavistically and attempting to recall the first, saturn-centered world system which they picture as an axial arrangement of proto-planetary bodies with saturn uppermost in the formation. In Hamlet's Mill, Santillana and von Dechend dabble with the same notion, drawing upon the Platonic fable of a initial moment is cosmic time when all the planets were aligned. But "aligned" ought not be taken in the lliteral sense of a straight line, extending out from the sun. The "alignment" of the saturn-centered cosmos was an axial/ring arrangement with saturn holding the axial shaft and the planets around around the shaft in a conical array of rings -- if you can picture that.

Dangerous Idea

"James Lovelock has warned against the assumption of “a sentient Gaia able to control the earth consciously.” Although Gnostics did assert that Sophia is sentient and intelligent, their complex mythology left open the issue of teleology or goal orientation (known as “strong Gaia theory” in the current debate). The sacred theory of the earth preserved in the ancient Mysteries did not contain a preconceived notion of goal orientation for the massive terrestrial organism. Rather, it presented an experiental pathway to discover how we, the human species, might become aligned to Gaia’s transhuman activities.

Central to the Sophianic myth was an event called in Gnostic terminology the “correction” of the Earth goddess, a concept that verges toward teleology without predefining it. In Sophia’s correction, Gnostics imagined the realignment of life on our planet with the cosmic center, the source from which the earth goddess originated and emerged. This intriguing idea is found in Gnostic cosmological writings from Nag Hammadi, including the Apocryphon of John (cited below). Scholars sometimes translate the Greek diorthosis as redemption rather than correction, but the concept of correction taught in the Mysteries was utterly unlike the divinely insured redemption promised in salvationist religion." - From Not in His Image


Bear in mind that Episodes 1 through 6 of the total nine describe events that occurred before the Aeon Sophia terrestrialized. Thus, two-thirds of the narrative is cosmological, or cosmogonic, describing the creation of a cosmos, and anthropogenic, describing the origin of the human species, before either the earth or humanity on earth appeared. No other "creation myth," and indeed, no other presumed scientific cosmology is as vast in scope or as rich in detailed action as the FGS. This myth in progress is the precious birthright of humanity. Its power to direct human experience is proven, I would say, by the ferocity and duration of the attempts to destroy it undertaken by demented human animals who wish to play god and direct human experience to fit their agenda. For future reference, I cite two events in human history that demonstrate the assault against the Sophianic myth of the Mysteries:

First, the Christian attack on the Mysteries which ensued for centuries from 150 CE right up to the Inquisition, the Witch Trials, etc. The measure of this immense and long-term effort in material destruction, human and cultural genocide, and repression of indigenous genius, is also the measure of what the power of was under attack.

Even more dramatic, to my mind, is a second, more recent instance: the hijacking of Russian Revolution by Jewish Bolshiveks, leading into the Salinist era, the Ukranian genocide, the GULAG, etc, a spectacular rampage of murder, torture and terror that took probably 60-80 million lives. Not to mention the "repetition compulsion" of Bolshivek communist ideology in China where Maoism racked up bodies in equal quantities. The essential thing to understand about the Russian Revolution is that a people's revolt against the Czarist regime never got off the ground because it was co-opted by Jewish psychopaths whose rampage of murder and torture reflects lethal aggression against something feared above all else -- namely, the resurgence of the Sophianic vision and the return of the Mysteries of the living earth, including human interactivity with the earth goddess. Look at what had to be done to resist that resurgence and defeat "the return of the repressed," and consider that the measure of the force resisted can be inferred from the scope and intensity of what was directed against it.

The Sophianic vision story is the most dangerous idea on the planet. Dangerous, that is, to those human animals locked into the madness of believing they can possess and control the planet and dominate all that lives upon it.

"For Yahweh your God will bless you, as he promised you: and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow; and you shall have dominion over many nations, but they shall not have dominion over you." Deuteronomy 15:6.

HIGHLIGHT: two crucial realizations at this point in the GNE:

ONE, The power of the sacred narrative is the sole guiding force that can direct human imagination into alignment with Sophia's Correction.

TWO, Grafting the FGS onto a geological and historical timeline brings the full power of the narrative down into the reach and range of prehistory and from there into historical memory. I consider this nifty conjuncture on the mythohistorical gradient to reflect the two-armed reall process indicated by the action of the LUNAR NODES during correction.

So, to run through the episodes:

Episode 1: In the Galactic Core -- no upgrade, so far.

Episode 2: A Singularity Encoded

FGS 2.0 The Originator produces a control group, Andromedan doubles on M 31

FGS 2.0 Calibration of the Anthropos germ plasma in seven parts, including perinoia, the mystico-ludic capacity (not to be confused with the luminous epinois, added later)

Episode 3: Projecting the Anthropos

FGS 1.0 includes the novel detail of the locale of the template in the Trapezium of the Orion Nebula, M 42.

*FGS 3.0 Describes the factor of sattva, rhythm, as it operates within the calibration, holding the seven capacities in harmony so that the Anthropos can coordinate itself with the cycles of nature and the cosmos. Loss of sattva due to dissatisfaction (* denotes yet to be added).

Episode 4: Cosmic Power Surge -- concludes with Sophia's Plunge

FGS 2.0 The Aeons including Sophia and Thelete observe and consider nine planetary experiments with the Anthropos, which collapse due ot it turning against its environment

FGS 2.0 Dreaming unilaterally, Sophia reviews these observations and imagines how she would have interceded in each one to rescue the experiment and restore it to its original potential (Nine Avatars of Vishnu)

FGS 2.0 The Aeon Sophia, still dreaming unilaterally, imagines a planetary system of three bodies (sun, planet, satellite - three body system) as the laboratory setting for Anthropos-10, the next strain to emerge, and places the Anthroposin specific conditions of her invention -- although she cannot actually perform this feat due to being untrained in the Aeonic technique of narrative spooling

FGS 2.0 Anticipating that Anthropos-10 may also turn against its environment, Sophia dreams an intervention scenario following the model of older Aeons who accomplish avataric interventions from the Pleromic core into a planetary world where an experiment is underway. She establishes in her mind the conditions of intervention, reflected in the myth of Perseus, Andromeda, Medusa, and Cetus, a variation of the Kalki avatar of Hindu myth.

Episode 5: Archontic Cosmos -- So long and complex!!!

FGS 1.0 Description of the first archontic world that collapses, following textual clues (On the Origin of the World)

FGS 2.0 Elaborates on the first Archontic world or saturn heaven, with saturn at the center and the "uroboros" formed of Organic Light surrounding and bounding the Arthontic stereoma, no star present.

Episode 6: A Star is Born -- Equally complex, rather shambolic, various events remaining to be clarified, linear timeline impossible to establish rigorously.

FGS 1.0 The Aeon Sophia provides the luminous epinoia, predicts that the Luminous Child (Anthropos) will defeat the Archons

FGS 2.0 - 3.0 Presents a set of dramatic developments represented as more or less simultaneous events: 1 the emergence and convergence of the mother star 2 the generation of Zoe the flame-born daughter of Sophia; 3 the injection of the luminous epinoia (alters the calibration?); 4 and the challenge of Sophia to the Archons,, promising tht the luminous Child will defeat them at the consummation of their works.

*FGS 3.0 Sophia introduces the D-force ("Death") as a failsafe against the intrusion of the Archons who would substitute their false, lifeless immortality for the true gift of the everlasting life (zoe) given to the Anthropos.

Episode 7: The Living Planet

FGS 2.0 Describes the formation and capture of MANTIS from the materialized terror of the Goddess.This is a preterrestrial event. Perhaps the penultimate preterrestrial event.

FGS 3.0 Amends the original material by adding separation of the sexes due to Sophia shearing the template. Of course, this is not a new element of the narrative!! However, going over these revisions concurrent with Nav Briefing 58 in April 2013, this scholar came to realize that he had not included this event in the standard text of the nine episodes, neither on metahistory.org, nor in Not in His Image. Quite an oversight, to say the least!

NOTE: Episode 7 covers the crucial moment when the Aeon Sophia finally morphs entirely into the material body of the planet earth with its atmospheric sheath. As noted above, the first six Episodes of the FGS in their entirely describe the pre-terrestrial experiences of the Aeon. Sophia become fully "terrestrialized" in Episode 7. While it is impossible with absolute certainty to place all events of her plunge and "conversion" in a linear timeframe, I would provisionally situate the shearing of the Anthropic template and the creation of Mantis in this Episode. Both of those events transpire concurrently with the proces of dense and intense materialization. Mantis, obviously, is a hyper-materialized or even crystallized product of Sophia's emotions -- namely, her terror. And with the shearing of the template, Sophia carried the female gender components of the Anthropos deep into the material flux of the emergent planet. Long eons afterwood, the first human animals emerge coevally with plant-life: the Gaian Sidhe (SH-ee).

From Tree Nymphs and Tree Hung-Shamas, 2:

"Like Dreamtime Ancestors described and invoked in Aboriginal songlines, the primordial earth women emerged from the inchoate torso of the planetary mass and gave form to the land. Rockborn goddesses were the most archaic forms of the Sidhe (primordial Gaian women, Celtic idiom), remembered in rare words like Rhea, “flowing from rock,” Lakhamu, "earth serpent," and Louhi, "the heavy hag." And, of course, Gaia, the mother planet itself. The Sidhe only emerged into independent form when the planet became fully porous, Sophia having infused the residue of her high-porosity radiance into the physical elements. Her surrender to becomng a planet spontaneously generated the Sidhe from the sheared template, like mushrooms from a membrane of mycelium."

Consequently, processes and creatures that arise in the biosphere, including human animals, exhibit initially a strong female bias: at first, only women of the human species appear on earth. And for long afterwards, the female bias operates flagrantly and pervasively in many, many ways. All human animals are initially produced as females within the female body. Other biological processes exhibit the female bias... Likewise, throughout the terrestrial habitat non-human animal behavior displays an undeniable emphasis on the role of the female of the species. For instance, with many of the great felines the mother is left alone to raise her young ones, her pride. Clearly, the female of many species carries an unequal burden in reproductive processes and the care of progeny. Only in rare instances, such as Antarctic penguins, do you see any attempt to compensate for this imbalance.

Feline life in particular often involves a "single mother" event, and the earth, the planetary animal mother, is a one-parent planet. The Anthropos is her "pride".

Bear in mind, as well, that at the moment Sophia comes to be fully terrestrialized, the planetary organism was not like it is today. The specific oceans were not yet formed, nor where there any distinct continents. The first atmosphere was devoid of oxygen, which did not appear until the eruption of cynobacteria (blue green algae). Considering this event, and placing it somewhere in Episode 7, we may finally connect the Sophianic cosmological sequence with the known or supposed narrative of terrestrial evolution. Let's say, simply for the sake of a framework in which to develop the story, we accept the current geological timeline. I would set the initial moment to 4,320 billion years, as explained in the essay on the age of the earth -- an eccentric calculation, computed in Geons.

Now take a deep breath and consider this: I can now present the "further calculations" promised in that essay of November 2005:

"The ultimate purpose of this eccentric calculation was to convert the geological timeframe into Gaian time. This done, we can look at how the Earth has evolved by analogy to the well-known stages of human development: birth, infancy, pre-puberty, puberty, adolescence, adulthood. Gaiology, as it might be called, is developmental psychology applied to the frame of geological ages.

In a companion essay to follow this one, I will sketch Gaiological development by correlating more key events in the standard geological timeframe, including periodic extinctions, to moments in Gaia's lifespan, considered in her own time."

Considered in her own time, the current age of the mother planet is about 23 years old. Gaia is autistic, prodigiously gifted with creative and esthetic talents, and virginal, producing her progeny independent of mitotic conjugation with another planetary organism. Nobody fucks with Gaia, or fucks Gaia. Imagine a stunning, brilliantly talented, autistic woman in her early twenties, suffering from retarded pubescence. That's your heavenly mother!

Now, you have to come forward from the initial moment, 4320 billion years ago, down to the Cambrian Age, placed around 585-550 MYA (millions of years ago) to reach the moment when Gaia begins to produce anything resembling life as we know it today, including human life. The Cambrian Explosion would be the decisive event that marks the transition from Episode 7 to Episode 8.

Episode 8: The Christic Intercession

*FGS 3.0 The fable of Eros and Psyche, relating how the Aeon Sophia in material immanence dreams the presence of the Aeon Christos in the form of a mysterious visitant, a dream lover. (* indicates yet to be added).

For provisional development of the narrative, let's propose that when Episode 7 begins, Sophia has not yet produced the first extrusions of Gaian women in arboreal form. It may be that she cannot support the spore-like emergence of the Anthropic plasm, stripped of its male-gendering components, as long as she must be engaged with the rampant diversity of life in the biosphere, including earth, water, and sky.

Again, I advise following the conventional geological timeline, not because it is correct, but for its value as a mnemonic device to manage the overarching narrative, extending as it does vastly beyond human conception. Consistent with that timeline, meiotic sexual reproduction would have begun in the proterozoic phase of the Precambrian era (Episode 7, and transitional into 8). By this account, the earliest multicellular animals (ediacara fauna) appear in the primordial sea. Among these critters there may have been tuberous sea vegetables that present the initial spawn of the Anthropos plasm. Those tubers that remained in the ocean could have developed into sea creatuses such as eels and squid or fish-life of various kinds ancestral to the first aquatic women, mermaids, and dolphin-type amphibians. Some tubers that washed to earth or mutated into succulent-like amphibious plants that would eventually have assumed rooting forms from which the arboreal nymphs developed.

The Descent of Woman (1971) by Elaine Morgan presents a somewhat credible scenario of the evolution of humankind from a dolphin or mermaid-like female species -- crudely called the aquatic ape hypothesis.

At the start of Episode 7, Sophia now in full material immanence reaches the dawn of the Palaeozoic Era, marked by the Cambrian Explosion: 585 - 550 MYA. Just preceding the explosion, Sophia would have found herself in great distress, unable to manage the proliferation of life-processes on the ground, in the sea, and in the air. But immediately with the Explosion, shellfish and corals attain viability in the oceans. Also, she stabilizes organisms with primitive skeletal frameworks, sketchy but survivable body-plans. Is this due to effects of the Christic Intercession?

As I have noted, the association of Christ/Christos with fishes comes from the arcane science of the Mystery cells whose seers were able to detect that the early vertebrate fishes (notably Astrapsis) appear in the immediate wake of the Explosion, timed to the Christic intercession.

Later, some of the Orion men who drop in from M 42, will assume an amphibian form, the fabled Dagon-Oannes, human male with a fish head, due to parachuting on their acca-cords into the oceanic regions rather than on dry land.

Land plants appear in the late Ordovician, thought to be divided from the Silurian-Devionan sequence by a mass extinction. Sophia uses extinctions to sort out the biological programs she prefers to carry ahead into future organization of the biosphere as an integrated system, all parts complementary. Like an artist saving some drafts of her work, discarding others. Extinction, followed by reanimation, is her selection technique -- by another name, "spontaneous generation." Coming forward in time, as she is able to access every single and discrete process in nature more intimately and effectively, she gains enough control of the experiment to apply extinction at the end of a Kalpa, one Aeonic day. This is only possible for her, however, when she is autonomously enabled (by pronoia, or precognized intention) to actually sense what time it is!

In correction currently underway, Sophia reaches a high level of temporal management due to the support of Thelete (* ahead, in FGS 4.0), and thus can coordinate her timing with human animals who follow what she is doing on the conversion of 108 human days :: 1 Aeonic econd. The Mahavidya with a range of specific instructions for humanity concerning optimal temporal attunement with correction -- synchronizatin of human and Aeonic time -- is Chinnamasta (noted April 2013 during the Chinnamasta shift - JLL. More in an upcoming Nav briefing, Chinnamasta's Glory).

Episode 8 discloses adaptations planet-wide evolutionary programs derived from the Christic Intercession. Vascular plants (mid-Silurian, 410 MYA), then gymnosperms (late Devonian, around 380 MYA), and the first reptiles, including Gaian snake-women, emerge in the eonic progression.

"From the hairless pores of mother planet emerged the serpent race, the Nagas, snake-women endowed with wonderful healing powers."

"From her hair-bearing pores came beauteous denizens of the tree-realm, glamorous arboreal nymphs, the dryads. For eons they were indistinguishable from the trees in which they lived: dryads changed trees as women change wardrobes, but eventually there were hybrids, nymphs who became attached to a single species of tree, like the laurel, cypress, and juniper."

By the current account, another mass extinction (selection, sorting out evolutionary options) occurs around 250 MYA, commencing the Mesozoic Era. Immediately after this moment come the ancestral mammals, cynodonts, followed by a lumbering troupe of dinosaurs, plus Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. So when in this immense perspective did the chthonian romance begin?

When did the Gaian woman, in particular the arboreal nymphs, first encounter their male counterparts from outer space, without the recognition that they were counterparts, sheared from the same genomic plasm?

I can only venture a guess, not so far substantiated by fresh and recent practices in shamanic trance allowing access to phylogenetic memory banks... Let's imagine tentatively that the O-Men in fully developed but streamlined human anatomy (Cycladian sculpture), living alongside arboreal women of the Artemis-type, hunted together during the epoch when dinosaurs roamed this earth. Boy meets Girl, then, rather recently in the Sophianic plot-line -- a mere 250 million years ago. That would the moment of the first fateful clinch of human genders, 200 million years before the first primates are thought to have appeared, around 50 MYA in the Cenozoic Era. In Gaia's own lifespan, the encounter occurs just when she reaches the threshold of puberty, marked by the appearance of flowering plants, the angiosperms, simultaneously with large placental animals, in the Cretaceous. Good gracious, it's the Cretaceous. Time to get laid.

Erasmus Darwin, who saw the fumdamental schema of evolution in the erotic spectacle of the propogation of flowering planets, was certainly on to that moment in the narrative. I highly recommend the book by Desmond King-Hele, entertaining and really, really mind-blowing when it comes to show how ED viewed evolution as an erotic-esthetic event, an orgy. What a contrast from this sceario to his grandson's alleged "survival of the fittest" paradigm. Is nature really "red in tooth and nail," or dripping with erotic juices? Make your choice.

"It has been said of Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802) that no one from his day to ours has ever rivalled him in his achievements in such a wide range of fields. He was a far-sighted scientific genius, fertile in theory and invention, and one of the foremost physicians of his time. His gift for friendship enabled him to recruit the members of the Lunar Society of Birmingham which is often seen as the main intellectual powerhouse of the Industrial Revolution in England. He was especially close to Franklin, Wedgwood, Boulton and Watt. Towards the end of his life he gained recognition as the leading English poet in the country, and he deeply influenced Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge and Shelley. The most striking of Darwin's many talents was his extraordinary scientific insight in physics, chemistry, geology, meteorology and all aspects of biology -- his deepest insight being his evolutionary theory of life. Two of his books, the Zoonomia, which made him famous as the leading medical mind of the 1790s, and The Temple of Nature, a long poem, show that he believed life developed from microscopic specks in primeval seas through fishes and amphibians to 'humankind'. But he failed to convince the world about biological evolution: that was left to his grandson Charles. Erasmus was the first person to give a full description of how clouds form and of photosynthesis in plants..." From the Amazon.com review.

The Mythohistorical Graft

Consistent with this linear sequence, Episode 7 would run right up to our time, well into history, but it would perhaps be more instructive to set a boundary, rather like this:

Coming forward from 250 MYA, dating the first encounter of the O-Man and the arboreal nymphs, Episode 7 transpires through prehistory into the measurable sequence of Kalpas elapsed so far in this experiment, and down to an historical moment in this Kalpa when the experiment slipped into dystropic feedback, precipitating the world-wide crisis that would ultimately awaken the Earth Goddess in a nightmare, compelling her to undertake correction -- that is to say, to initiate her own intercession, the tulpa of Kalki-Kali. I place that crucial moment at 14,500 BCE when the vernal point stood at the fulcrum of the SCALES. The subsequent moment when the dystropic shift of 14,500 BC begins to demonstrate drastic and long-term destructive consequences in human society would be indicated when the vernal point reached the horns of the BULL, coming from the TWINS: 4400 BCE, very close to the Sothic Cycle date of 4421 BCE encoded in the Dendera Zodiac.

Note that the initial set-up for correction concludes with saturn at the fulcrum of the SCALES. Note also that the breakaway moment in correction, when it begins to exhibit distinct global effects erupting into currrent events from the social unconscious of humanity ("the return of the repressed"), occurs in concurrence with astronomical events near the tips of the horns of the BULL: location of the VP in 4400 BCE.

So, what a perspective! Episode 7 covers the cosmogonic arc of Sophia's plunge down to the dawn of her materialization (4320 billion years ago), and then forward to the events leading to the Cambrian Explosion around 585 MYA on the currently accepted scale of geological time. Episode 8 then covers events from the Explosion down into the first part of the present Kalpa which began around 24,000 BCE.

There is the mythohistorical gradient, a grafting of the myth onto a geological and historical timeline.To summarize:

Episode 9: Sophia's Correction

FGS 3.0 Places this episode in a timeframe within the scope of human reckoning, signaled by the date 14,500 BCE. This is not the moment when correction begins, of course, but the moment of the initial conditions of moral-biophysical disequilibrium that would eventually escalate into global dystropic feedback, driving the experiment fully into crash mode.

FGS 3.0 Expansion of the narrative incorporates the date of 4400 BCE, signalled by the passage of the vernal point into the constellation of the BULL (commencing the "Taurean Age"), followed by the alignment of the VP to Aldebaran in the eye of the BULL: 3012 BCE, the beginning of Kali Yuga that concludes in 2216 CE, the end of the current Kalpa.

FGS 3.0 Incorporates the historical timing of 2008 CE, 208 years or eleven minutes of Aeonic time before the end of the Kalpa -- discovery of the Terma of Gaia Awakening. Human participation in correction begins with instructions for interactivity, the instrument panel of the Shakti Cluster, the Gaian Tantra Vow, and the dakini name of the planetary animal mother, VV (August - October 2008).

FGS 3.0 Initialization of correction with the acoustic signal sent to the galactic core, March 19, 2011

FGS 3.0 Human participation in correction: invitation to the GNE, June 2011 and ongoing.

FGS 3.0 Pleromic Relay established between June and September 2012: Celestial Anchor appears, jupiter ruptured, the telepathic induction coil of Channel 16 locked and loaded.

FGS 3.0 Formation of the Kalika War Party, representing a set of moral -creative strategies for social and global activities of dissension, revolt, and reform stemming directly from participation in Sophia's Correction.

FGS 3.0 Mephisto Rules defined. Matangi leads the planetary vision quest.

FGS 3.0 Describes the method Sophia will use to manifest her tulpa, and confirms her reliance of human animals to tell her what to do with it. "The highest desire of the Gaian Dakinis is that you command them" (JLL, February 2013).

*FGS 3.0 The Coming of the Symbiont (April 2013)


JLL: April 2013 Andalucia

Material by John Lash and Lydia Dzumardjin: Copyright 2002 - 2018 by John L. Lash.